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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

IT Governance: The Key Factor of E-Government Implementation in China., , und . WEB, Volume 108 von Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Seite 274-285. Springer, (2011)A Context-Dependent Sentiment Analysis of Online Product Reviews based on Dependency Relationships., , , , und . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2014)Motivation mechanism of gamification in crowdsourcing projects., , und . Int. J. Crowd Sci., 1 (1): 71-82 (2017)Applying stochastic network calculus to 802.11 backlog and delay analysis., und . IWQoS, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2011)A Study on the Characteristics of the Publishers of Rumor-Refuting Information about COVID-19., , und . WHICEB, Seite 5. Association for Information Systems, (2021)The Effect of Users' Social Capital on Idea Quality in Online Customization Communities: The Moderating Effect of Common Expertise., , und . PACIS, Seite 24. (2021)Analysis of Knowledge Providers' Learning Behavior: A Case Study of Zhihu Live., , , und . ICCSE, Seite 83-89. ACM, (2019)The Influencing Factors of Public Opinion Diffusion Behavior in Public Emergencies: Moderate Role of Government Information Publishing Strategy., , , , und . ICCSE, Seite 63-70. ACM, (2019)A Blockchain technology application maturity assessment model for digital government public service projects., , und . ICCSE, Seite 68-72. ACM, (2021)A Genetic Algorithm Based Model for Chinese Phishing E-commerce Websites Detection., , , , , und . HCI (21), Volume 9751 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 270-279. Springer, (2016)