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A Study on the Operation of Infrastructure Management System with Citizens' Participation Using the ICT Technology., , , и . NBiS, том 7 из Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, стр. 664-673. Springer, (2017)On a dynamic caching method for field segmented DVE by multi-server., и . NETGAMES, стр. 43. ACM, (2006)Flash movie authoring environment based on state diagram., , , и . NETGAMES, стр. 45. ACM, (2006)Arrival and departure processes of nodes in P2P systems., , , и . GLOBECOM Workshops, стр. 609-614. IEEE, (2011)A New Concept of the Search Engine for the Web API., , и . WEBIST (2), стр. 343-346. INSTICC Press, (2008)A Proposal of Dead Reckoning Protocol in Distributed Virtual Environment based on the Taylor Expansion., и . CW, стр. 107-114. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)An Evaluation ofWeb-Com: Web-Based Education System., , и . CW, стр. 229-236. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)An Authoring Tool for Flash Games in ActionScript3.0., , , , и . NBiS, стр. 889-892. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Authoring Tool for Flash 3D Animations in Terms of State-Transition Diagrams., , , , и . NBiS, стр. 893-897. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)A Prototype of Attention Simulator on Twitter., , и . NBiS, стр. 173-177. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)