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Genetic modeling of electrical conductivity of formed material

, and . Materials and technology, 39 (4): 107--111 (2005)

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Genetic modeling of electrical conductivity of formed material, and . Materials and technology, 39 (4): 107--111 (2005)Modeling of impact toughness of cold formed material by genetic programming, and . Computational Materials Science, 37 (4): 476--482 (October 2006)Predicting stress distribution in cold-formed material with genetic programming, and . International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 23 (7-8): 467--474 (2004)Artificial intelligence approach to determination of flow curve, , and . Journal for technology of plasticity, 25 (1-2): 1--7 (2000)Comparison Between Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Programming Approach for Modeling the Stress Distribution, , and . Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 20 (3): 497--508 (2005)