Ionization of atoms in the tunnelling regime with experimental evidence
using Hg atoms
F. Ilkov, J. Decker, and S. Chin. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 25 (19):
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Tunneling ionization of noble gases in a high-intensity laser fieldS. Augst, D. Strickland, D. Meyerhofer, S. Chin, and J. Eberly. Phys. Rev. Lett., (1989)Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring
autophagy in higher eukaryotesD. Klionsky, H. Abeliovich, P. Agostinis, D. Agrawal, G. Aliev, D. Askew, M. Baba, E. Baehrecke, B. Bahr, A. Ballabio and 91 other author(s). Autophagy, 4 (2):
151-75(February 2008)Klionsky, Daniel J Abeliovich, Hagai Agostinis, Patrizia Agrawal,
Devendra K Aliev, Gjumrakch Askew, David S Baba, Misuzu Baehrecke,
Eric H Bahr, Ben A Ballabio, Andrea Bamber, Bruce A Bassham, Diane
C Bergamini, Ettore Bi, Xiaoning Biard-Piechaczyk, Martine Blum,
Janice S Bredesen, Dale E Brodsky, Jeffrey L Brumell, John H Brunk,
Ulf T Bursch, Wilfried Camougrand, Nadine Cebollero, Eduardo Cecconi,
Francesco Chen, Yingyu Chin, Lih-Shen Choi, Augustine Chu, Charleen
T Chung, Jongkyeong Clarke, Peter G H Clark, Robert S B Clarke, Steven
G Clave, Corinne Cleveland, John L Codogno, Patrice Colombo, Maria
I Coto-Montes, Ana Cregg, James M Cuervo, Ana Maria Debnath, Jayanta
Demarchi, Francesca Dennis, Patrick B Dennis, Phillip A Deretic,
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Marian Dinesh-Kumar, Savithramma Distelhorst, Clark W Djavaheri-Mergny,
Mojgan Dorsey, Frank C Droge, Wulf Dron, Michel Dunn, William A Jr
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O Naqvi, Naweed I Neufeld, Thomas P Nishino, Ichizo Nixon, Ralph
A Noda, Takeshi Nurnberg, Bernd Ogawa, Michinaga Oleinick, Nancy
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Piacentini, Mauro Pinkas-Kramarski, Ronit Prescott, Mark Proikas-Cezanne,
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Rubinsztein, David C Ryan, Kevin M Sadoshima, Junichi Sakagami, Hiroshi
Sakai, Yasuyoshi Sandri, Marco Sasakawa, Chihiro Sass, Miklos Schneider,
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Harald Stromhaug, Per E Subauste, Carlos S Sugimoto, Seiichiro Sulzer,
David Suzuki, Toshihiko Swanson, Michele S Tabas, Ira Takeshita,
Fumihiko Talbot, Nicholas J Talloczy, Zsolt Tanaka, Keiji Tanaka,
Kozo Tanida, Isei Taylor, Graham S Taylor, J Paul Terman, Alexei
Tettamanti, Gianluca Thompson, Craig B Thumm, Michael Tolkovsky,
Aviva M Tooze, Sharon A Truant, Ray Tumanovska, Lesya V Uchiyama,
Yasuo Ueno, Takashi Uzcategui, Nestor L van der Klei, Ida Vaquero,
Eva C Vellai, Tibor Vogel, Michael W Wang, Hong-Gang Webster, Paul
Wiley, John W Xi, Zhijun Xiao, Gutian Yahalom, Joachim Yang, Jin-Ming
Yap, George Yin, Xiao-Ming Yoshimori, Tamotsu Yu, Li Yue, Zhenyu
Yuzaki, Michisuke Zabirnyk, Olga Zheng, Xiaoxiang Zhu, Xiongwei Deter,
Russell L GM53396/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States R01 AG026389-01A2/AG/NIA
NIH HHS/United States R01 AR055255-02/AR/NIAMS NIH HHS/United States
R01 GM075061-03/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States Research Support,
N.I.H., Extramural Review United States Autophagy Autophagy. 2008
Feb 16;4(2):151-75. Epub 2007 Nov 21..Ionization of atoms in the tunnelling regime with experimental evidence
using Hg atomsF. Ilkov, J. Decker, and S. Chin. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 25 (19):
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