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Evidence for Universal Four-Body States Tied to an Efimov Trimer, , , , , , and . Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 (14): 140401 (April 2009)Modeling radar backscatter from breaking waves on the surface., , , and . IGARSS, page 4189-4191. IEEE, (2003)Benchmarking operational SAR ship detection., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). IGARSS, page 4215-4218. IEEE, (2004)Computing the Meanings of Words in Reading: Cooperative Division of Labor Between Visual and Phonological Processes, and . Psychological Review, 111 (3): 662-720 (2004)Adaptive line enhancement using a second-order IIR filter., , and . ICASSP, page 1444-1447. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Cascaded all-pass sections for LMS adaptive filtering., and . EUSIPCO, page 1-4. IEEE, (1996)The use of a formant diagram in audiovisual speech activity detection., and . EUSIPCO, page 2390-2394. IEEE, (2007)On the determination of the optimal center and scale factor for truncated Hermite series., and . EUSIPCO, page 1-4. IEEE, (1996)Word length reduction for the integral image.. ICIP, page 805-808. IEEE, (2008)Optimal parametrization of truncated generalized Laguerre series., and . ICASSP, page 3805-3808. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)