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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Design and Analysis of a Novel Noise Cancelling Topology for Common Gate UWB LNAs., , und . VDAT, Volume 382 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 169-176. Springer, (2013)High-speed CMOS ramp generator using proteretic comparator., , und . APCCAS, Seite 5-8. IEEE, (2021)Effects of Heating on the Performance of 70 nm Thick Domain Patterned Permalloy Incorporated RF Spiral Inductors., und . NEMS, Seite 72-75. IEEE, (2019)Towards Conducting Effective Locomotion Through Hardware Transformation in Head-Mounted-Device - A Review Study., , , , und . VR Workshops, Seite 660-661. IEEE, (2022)Learning-Based Model for Central Blood Pressure Estimation using Feature Extracted from ECG and PPG signals., , und . EMBC, Seite 855-858. IEEE, (2020)A Self Learning VLSI Lab along with Web-Based Platform to Design Schematics and Layouts., , und . T4E, Seite 205-207. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)CMOS Implementation of a Proteresis-Hysteresis (ProHys) Switch., , und . MWSCAS, Seite 1104-1107. IEEE, (2021)Real-time qualitative and quantitative analysis of Saccharides using CSRR based RF sensor., , und . IEEE SENSORS, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2022)Customizable Head-mounted Device for Detection of Eye Disorders using Virtual Reality., , , , und . VLSID, Seite 50-55. IEEE, (2022)A Label-Free Low-Cost Radio Frequency Driven Noninvasive Lab-on-Chip System for Creatinine Detection., , , , , , , , und . ICST, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2023)