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STL: a tool for on-line software update and rejuvenation (Abstract).

, and . ISSRE, page 258. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)

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Chapter 1: Software Aging and Rejuvenation: A Genesis - Extended Abstract., , , and . ISSRE Workshops, page 319-320. IEEE, (2020)A cluster-based checkpointing scheme for mobile computing on wide area network., , and . Mobile Networks and Computing, volume 52 of DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, page 177-193. DIMACS/AMS, (1999)Holography: A Hardware Virtualization Tool for Malware Analysis., , , , , and . PRDC, page 263-268. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Event Pattern Discovery on IDS Traces of Cloud Services., , and . BDCloud, page 25-32. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Dependable Architecture of RFID Middleware on Networked RFID Systems., , , , and . GreenCom/iThings/CPScom, page 1881-1884. IEEE, (2013)Gatekeeper: Monitoring Auto-Start Extensibility Points (ASEPs) for Spyware Management., , , , , , and . LISA, page 33-46. USENIX, (2004)A Simple and Efficient Deadlock Recovery Scheme for Wormhole Routed 2-Dimensional Meshes., , , and . PRDC, page 210-217. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Scheduling-Aware Data Prefetching for Data Processing Services in Cloud., , , and . AINA, page 835-842. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Data-Driven Approach for Evaluating Risk of Disclosure and Utility in Differentially Private Data Release., , , , , , and . AINA, page 1130-1137. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Computing Threshold Times for k-Resilient Protocols., , and . ICPP (2), page 24-27. CRC Press, (1992)