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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Timelines in citation research.. J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 57 (10): 1404-1405 (2006)Citation data as a proxy for quality or scientific influence are at best PAC (probably approximately correct).. J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 67 (12): 3092-3094 (2016)On relative indexing in fuzzy retrieval systems.. Inf. Process. Manag., 21 (5): 415-417 (1985)Two Remarks on the Preceding Paper by L. Egghe.. Inf. Process. Manag., 28 (1): 45-52 (1992)Ratios of h-cores, h-tails and uncited sources in sets of scientific papers and technical patents., , , und . J. Informetrics, 7 (1): 190-197 (2013)Relations between continuous versions of bibliometric laws.. JASIS, 41 (3): 197-203 (1990)On Complete Evaluation Systems., und . Predicting the Dynamics of Research Impact, Springer, (2021)Lattices in citation networks: An investigation into the structure of citation graphs, und . Scientometrics, 50 (2): 273--287 (Februar 2001)Diffusion factors, , und . Journal of Documentation, (2006)Lorenz curves determine partial orders for comparing network structures. CREEN (Critical events in evolving networks) Workshop, (2007)