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The Automatic Text Classification Method Based on BERT and Feature Union., , , , , и . ICPADS, стр. 774-777. IEEE, (2019)Parameter analysis of chirplet transform and high-resolution time-frequency representation via chirplets combination., , , , и . Signal Process., (2023)Reveal the Mathematical Structures of Honeyword Security Metrics., , , и . CoRR, (2023)Word-Graph2vec: An efficient word embedding approach on word co-occurrence graph using random walk sampling., , , и . CoRR, (2023)Optimization of Antenna Design Using the Artificial Neural Network and the Simulated Annealing Algorithm., , , , и . ComComAP, стр. 119-122. IEEE, (2021)Machine Learning for Variance Reduction in Online Experiments., , , , , и . NeurIPS, стр. 8637-8648. (2021)Phase-matching quantum key distribution based on heralded pair-coherent source., , , , , и . Quantum Inf. Process., 22 (1): 37 (2023)Crowd counting in congested scene by CNN and Transformer: Crowd counting for converged networks., , , , и . EITCE, стр. 1092-1095. ACM, (2023)Word-Graph2vec: An Efficient Word Embedding Approach on Word Co-occurrence Graph Using Random Walk Technique., , , , , , и . WISE, том 14306 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 875-885. Springer, (2023)Evaluation Method of Impulse Voltage Scale Factor Based on Energy Spectral Density., , , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., (2024)