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Statistical problems in the probabilistic prediction of climate change, , , and . Environmetrics, (2012)The history of scientific research on the North Atlantic Oscillation, , , and . The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climatic Significance and Environmental Impact, volume 134 of Geophysical Monographs, chapter 2, American Geophysical Union, (2003)Three recommendations for evaluating climate predictions, , and . Met. Apps, 20 (2): 246--255 (Jun 1, 2013)Best Practices for Postprocessing Ensemble Climate Forecasts. Part I: Selecting Appropriate Recalibration Methods, , , , and . Journal of Climate, 29 (20): 7247--7264 (Oct 15, 2016)Estimation of trends in extreme melt-season duration at Svalbard, , , and . International Journal of Climatology, (2011)On Constraining Projections of Future Climate Using Observations and Simulations From Multiple Climate Models, , and . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116 (534): 546-557 (2021)A Bayesian Framework for Verification and Recalibration of Ensemble Forecasts: How Uncertain is NAO Predictability?, , , , , and . Journal of Climate, 29 (3): 995--1012 (Feb 8, 2016)Correcting the finite-ensemble bias of the Ignorance score, , and . (2014)cite arxiv:1410.8249Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures.SPATIO-TEMPORAL MODELLING OF EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS, , and . (2013)Serial clustering of intense European storms, , , and . Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 18 (4): 411--424 (August 2009)