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Presenting Non-verbal Communication to Blind Users in Brainstorming Sessions.

, and . ICCHP (1), volume 8547 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 220-225. Springer, (2014)

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Presenting Non-verbal Communication to Blind Users in Brainstorming Sessions., and . ICCHP (1), volume 8547 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 220-225. Springer, (2014)Direct continuous time system identification of MISO transfer function models applied to type 1 diabetes., , , , and . CDC/ECC, page 5176-5181. IEEE, (2011)An Accessible Environment to Integrate Blind Participants into Brainstorming Sessions - User Studies., , , and . ICCHP (2), volume 9759 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 587-593. Springer, (2016)Virtual Braille-Keyboard in Co-located Meetings., , , , , and . ICCHP (1), volume 8547 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 231-236. Springer, (2014)Assisting people with Nystagmus through image stabilization: Using an ARX model to overcome processing delays., and . EMBC, page 1222-1225. IEEE, (2017)Making Tabletop Interaction Accessible for Blind Users., , , , , and . ITS, page 327-332. ACM, (2014)A Tactile Presentation Method of Mind Maps in Co-located Meetings., and . TacTT@ITS, volume 1324 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2014)Gaze Based Magnification to Assist Visually Impaired Persons., , and . ICCHP (2), volume 10897 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 333-337. Springer, (2018)2D Presentation Techniques of Mind-maps for Blind Meeting Participants., and . AAATE Conf., volume 217 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 533-538. IOS Press, (2015)Process Development for the Design and Manufacturing of Personalizable Mouth Sticks., , , , and . AAATE Conf., volume 242 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 437-444. IOS Press, (2017)