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A multi-format Blu-ray player SoC in 90nm CMOS., , , , , , , , , и 34 other автор(ы). ISSCC, стр. 152-153. IEEE, (2009)Feature tracking using epipolar geometry for ego-motion estimation., , , , и . IVCNZ, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Support Super-Vector Machines in Automatic Speech Emotion Recognition., и . ROCLING, Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP), Taiwan, (2016)Fluid dynamics analysis of magnetically actuated ciliated nano/micro structures for flow mixing and propulsion applications., , , и . NEMS, стр. 590-593. IEEE, (2013)Credit Rating Analysis with Support Vector Machines and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm., , и . IEA/AIE, том 7906 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 528-534. Springer, (2013)Live Demonstration: SenCu - A Power-Efficient Sensor System., , , , , , , и . IEEE SENSORS, стр. 1. IEEE, (2020)Assessing the Relationships between IS Success with Intellectual Capital for International Medical Services Centers in Taiwan - The Perspective of Physicians., , , , и . UIC/ATC, стр. 693-698. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Work-in-progress: Implementing a context-awareness ubiquitous learning environment - A case study of 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan., , , и . ICL, стр. 56-59. IEEE, (2015)What drives impulse buying behaviors in a mobile auction? The perspective of the Stimulus-Organism-Response model., и . Telematics Informatics, 35 (5): 1249-1262 (2018)Intelligent SOMA interactive gaming system., , , , , , и . ICCE-Berlin, стр. 261-266. IEEE, (2019)