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Towards a Crowd Analytic Framework For Crowd Management in Majid-al-Haram., , , , , , and . CoRR, (2017)Single-Atom Pt Loaded Zinc Vacancies ZnO–ZnS Induced Type-V Electron Transport for Efficiency Photocatalytic H $łess$sub$\greater$2$łess$/sub$\greater$ Evolution, , , , , and . Solar RRL, 5 (11): 2100536 (September 2021)An integrated approach for energy efficient handover and key distribution protocol for secure NC-enabled small cells., , , , and . Comput. Networks, (2022)A Simulation Study on Handover in LTE Ultra-Small Cell Deployment: A 5G Challenge., , and . 5G World Forum, page 388-392. IEEE, (2019)A Simulation Study on LTE Handover and the Impact of Cell Size., , and . BROADNETS, volume 263 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 398-408. Springer, (2018)An interactive fuzzy programming approach for a sustainable supplier selection under textile supply chain management., and . Comput. Ind. Eng., (2021)Ambient IoT: A Missing Link in 3GPP IoT Devices Landscape., , , , , , , , and . IEEE Internet Things Mag., 7 (2): 85-92 (March 2024)Secure Virtual Mobile Small Cells: A Stepping Stone Towards 6G., , , , , , , , , and 7 other author(s). CoRR, (2021)Compressing Deep CNNs Using Basis Representation and Spectral Fine-Tuning., , and . ICIP, page 3537-3541. IEEE, (2021)Simultaneous Learning and Compression for Convolution Neural Networks., and . ICIP, page 3636-3640. IEEE, (2022)