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On the cave fauna of Caucasus in Russian. Bull. Inst. Rech. biol. Molotov Isv. Biol. i.-i. im-ta. pri Molotov. gos. un.-te., 12 (2): 67-72 (1941)New forms of spiders of the USSR. Izv. est.-nauchn. Inst. Molotovsk. Univ., (1946)Katalog der Russischen Spinnen. Suppl. to Annu. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. URSS, (1932)Arachnoidea from the Sataple Cave (Kutaissi) Arachnoidea is peschchery Sataple (Kutaissi). Soobsch. AN GCCR, (1946)On the cave spiders of Abkhasia. Inst. Grus. fil. AN CCCR zool. sector, Tbilissi, (1939)Spiders and harvestmen from the caves of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russian. Biospeologica sovietica, (1947)A supplement to the catalogue of Russian spiders in Russian. Uchonye zap. Perm. gos. univ., (1936)New materials on the Arachnoidea of Abkhasia caves Novye dannye po faune Arachnoidea peschcher Abkhasii. Trav. Inst. Zool. Acad. Sci. RSSGeorg., (1941)A new species of Brachythele in Gruzia. Soobsch. AN GCCR, 9 (2): 135-139 (1948)Overview of the spider family Dysderidae in the fauna of the USSR. Obzor paukov cemeystva Dysderidae fauny SSSR. Utsh. zap. Permsk. gos. un-ta, 10 (1): 17-39 (1956)