Author of the publication

A Family of Latent Variable Convex Relaxations for IBM Model 2.

, , and . AAAI, page 2318-2324. AAAI Press, (2015)

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The Online Set Aggregation Problem., , , and . LATIN, volume 10807 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 245-259. Springer, (2018)An Empirical Study of Online Packet Scheduling Algorithms., and . SEA, volume 9685 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 278-293. Springer, (2016)Fast algorithms for knapsack via convolution and prediction., , , and . STOC, page 1269-1282. ACM, (2018)On A Strictly Convex IBM Model 1., , and . EMNLP, page 221-226. The Association for Computational Linguistics, (2015)A Convex Alternative to IBM Model 2., , and . EMNLP, page 1574-1583. ACL, (2013)Minimizing the Total Weighted Completion Time of Coflows in Datacenter Networks., , and . SPAA, page 294-303. ACM, (2015)Coresets Meet EDCS: Algorithms for Matching and Vertex Cover on Massive Graphs., , , , and . SODA, page 1616-1635. SIAM, (2019)The Complexity of Scheduling for p-Norms of Flow and Stretch - (Extended Abstract)., , and . IPCO, volume 7801 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 278-289. Springer, (2013)Asymptotic performance of the non-forced idle time scheduling policies in the presence of variable demand for resources., and . Allerton, page 499-503. IEEE, (2008)A general framework for handling commitment in online throughput maximization., , , , and . CoRR, (2018)