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Security in Maritime Logistics - Learning by Gaming., и . LDIC, стр. 189-193. Springer, (2018)Moment approximation in product form queueing networks, и . 102. University of Wuerzburg, (февраля 1995)Engine control using neural networks: A new method in engine management systems, , и . MECCANICA, (2007)Tutorial OpenPEARL., и . Echtzeit, стр. 109-135. Springer, (2020)Menschzentriertes Informationstool zur innerbetrieblichen Vernetzung., , , , и . MuC (Workshopband), Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2017)The swingby mechanism analyzed with a new graphical formalism for three-dimensional elastic collisions. American Journal of Physics, 77 (4): 354--359 (2009)Fatal Clostridium tertium septicemia in a nonneutropenic patient, , , , , , и . The Journal of Infection, 50 (1): 76--80 (января 2005)PMID: 15603846.Increasing the Flexibility of Customized Assembly Systems with a Modular Control System., , и . IoTSMS, стр. 46-53. IEEE, (2018)Improving the Understanding of Supply Chain Interaction Through the Application of Business Games., , и . LDIC, стр. 533-542. Springer, (2014)An optimization method based on simulated annealing to improve stock reduction in rework with known operator skills., , и . ETFA, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2021)