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Uniform stability of nonlinear time-varying impulsive systems with eventually uniformly bounded impulse frequency., , и . CoRR, (2019)Characterization of semiglobal stability properties for discrete-time models of non-uniformly sampled nonlinear systems., и . Syst. Control. Lett., (2018)When does QP yield the exact solution to constrained NMPC?, , , , и . Int. J. Control, 82 (5): 812-821 (2009)A systematic method to obtain ultimate bounds for perturbed systems., , и . Int. J. Control, 80 (2): 167-178 (2007)Control design with guaranteed ultimate bound for perturbed systems., , и . Autom., 44 (7): 1815-1821 (2008)Optimal robust exact first-order differentiators with Lipschitz continuous output., , , и . CoRR, (2024)On inherent limitations in robustness and performance for a class of prescribed-time algorithms., , , и . Autom., (декабря 2023)On feedback stabilisation of switched discrete-time systems via Lie-algebraic techniques., , и . CDC, стр. 1118-1123. IEEE, (2009)Componentwise bounds and invariant sets for switched systems with nonlinear delayed-state-dependent perturbations., и . AuCC, стр. 20-25. IEEE, (2011)Bounds and Invariant Sets for a Class of Switching Systems with Delayed-state-dependent Perturbations, и . CoRR, (2012)