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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

HCI and creative problem-solving at Lancaster., , , und . BCS HCI (2), Seite 191-192. BCS, (2007)Cueing retrospective verbal reports in usability testing through eye-movement replay., , , und . BCS HCI (1), Seite 129-137. BCS, (2007)Desperado: Three-in-one Indexing for Innovative Design., , , und . INTERACT, Seite 336-343. IOS Press, (1999)The Evaluation of Desperado - A Computerised Tool to Aid Design Reuse., , und . BCS HCI, Seite 437-453. Springer, (2000)Ubiquitous technologies, cultural logics and paternalism in industrial workplaces., , und . Poiesis Prax., 5 (3-4): 265-290 (2008)Informing the development of a fraud prevention toolset through a situated analysis of fraud investigation expertise., , und . Behav. Inf. Technol., 31 (4): 371-381 (2012)Investigating visual analogies for visual insight problems., , und . DESIRE, Seite 90-100. ACM, (2010)Integrating laboratory paradigms and ethnographic field studies for advancing analyses of creative processes., , , , , , , , und . DESIRE, Seite 365-366. ACM, (2011)Investigating exceptional poets to inform an understanding of the relationship between poetry and design., und . DESIRE, Seite 157-165. ACM, (2011)Insight and the Genesis of New Ideas., , , , , und . CogSci, Seite 41-42., (2019)