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Similarities between powersets of terms., , , , и . Fuzzy Sets Syst., 144 (1): 213-225 (2004)Computing Left-Minimal Direct Basis of implications., , , и . CLA, том 1062 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 293-298., (2013)Towards relational fuzzy adjunctions., , и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2017)Implicates and reduction techniques for temporal logics., , и . Ann. Math. Artif. Intell., 27 (1-4): 3-23 (1999)A note on partially ordered generalized terms., , , , , и . EUSFLAT Conf., стр. 793-796. Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya, (2005)On the Representation Theorem of Multi-Adjoint Concept Lattices., и . IFSA/EUSFLAT Conf., стр. 1091-1095. (2009)Non-commutativity and Expressive Deductive Logic Databases., , , , , и . JELIA, том 2424 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 149-160. Springer, (2002)On the Notions of Residuated-Based Coherence and Bilattice-Based Consistence., , и . WILF, том 6857 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 115-122. Springer, (2011)TAS-D++ vs tablas semanticas., , , и . GULP-PRODE (2), стр. 438-439. (1994)A Tabulation Proof Procedure for First-order Residuated Logic Programs: Soundness, Completeness and Optimizations., , и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 2004-2011. IEEE, (2006)