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Multipolar fuzzy hyperideals in semihypergroups., и . Soft Comput., 27 (19): 13835-13841 (октября 2023)A new characterization of fuzzy n-ary polygroups., , и . Neural Comput. Appl., 21 (Supplement-1): 59-68 (2012)Fuzzy n-ary hypergroups related to fuzzy points., , и . Neural Comput. Appl., 19 (5): 649-655 (2010)Applications of interval valued t., , и . Inf. Sci., 178 (20): 3957-3972 (2008)Approximations in a module by using set-valued homomorphisms., , и . Int. J. Comput. Math., 88 (14): 2901-2914 (2011)Generalized fuzzy bi-ideals of semigroups., и . Soft Comput., 12 (11): 1119-1124 (2008)Generalized lower and upper approximations in a ring., , и . Inf. Sci., 180 (9): 1759-1768 (2010)