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Aspects of the Topology of Interactions on Loop Dynamics in One and Two Dimensions.. CMMR, том 3310 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 220-231. Springer, (2004)Live Writing: Asynchronous Playback of Live Coding and Writing, и . Proceedings of the International Conference on Live Coding, (2015)Automatic recognition of self-reported and perceived emotion: does joint modeling help?, , и . ICMI, стр. 217-224. ACM, (2016)Scrubber: An Interface for Friction-induced Sounds., и . NIME, стр. 70-75. University of British Columbia, Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Center (MAGIC), (2005)Use the Force (or something) - Pressure and Pressure - Like Input for Mobile Music Performance., , и . NIME, стр. 182-185., (2010)Recognizing emotion from singing and speaking using shared models., , и . ACII, стр. 139-145. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Web-based temporal typography for musical expression and performance., и . NIME, стр. 65-69., (2015)Banded Waveguides: Towards Physical Modeling of Bowed Bar Percussion Instruments., и . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (1999)Synthesizing sounds from physically based motion., , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 529-536. ACM, (2001)Android UI Deception Revisited: Attacks and Defenses., , , , , , и . Financial Cryptography, том 9603 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 41-59. Springer, (2016)