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Fast voltage boosters to improve transient stability of power systems with 100% of grid-forming VSC-based generation., , , , , , and . CoRR, (2021)Coupling of classical and renewable energy sources: modeling and power flow management., , , and . SpringSim, page 217. SCS/ACM, (2010)Bond Graph Based Control Of A Three Phase Inverter With LC Filter., , , and . ECMS, page 683-689. European Council for Modeling and Simulation, (2009)Effect of Using PLL-Based Grid-Forming Control on Active Power Dynamics Under Various SCR., , , , and . IECON, page 4799-4804. IEEE, (2019)Stochastic power flow of distribution networks including dispersed generation system., , , , and . ISGT Europe, page 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Finite-time stabilisation of some power transmission systems., , , , and . Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 41 (3): 701-716 (2019)Nonlinear Control Design of VSC-MTDC Systems based on Backstepping Approach., , , and . ICINCO (1), page 596-602. SciTePress, (2015)Real-time and co-simulations for the development of power system monitoring, control and protection., and . PSCC, page 1-20. IEEE, (2016)Direct Rotor Field-Oriented Control of a Dual Three-Phase Induction Machine using a novel Kalman observer., , , and . IECON, page 2251-2256. IEEE, (2012)Cascaded- and Modular-Multilevel Converter Laboratory Test System Options: A Review., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). IEEE Access, (2021)