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Does gamification work for boys and girls?: An exploratory study with a virtual learning environment.

, , , , and . SAC, page 214-219. ACM, (2015)

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Affective pedagogical agents and user persuasion., and . HCI, page 397-401. Lawrence Erlbaum, (2001)Course Sequencing Techniques for Large-Scale Webbased Education, and . International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, (2003)Self-adaptive filtering using pid feedback controller in electronic commerce., , and . HT, page 267-272. ACM, (2014)Trust-Based Recommendations for Scientific Papers Based on the Researcher's Current Interest., and . AIED, volume 7926 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 717-720. Springer, (2013)Goal-Based Autonomous Social Agents: Supporting Adaptation and Teaching in a Distributed Environment.. Intelligent Tutoring Systems, volume 1452 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 564-573. Springer, (1998)The Intelligent Helpdesk: Supporting Peer-Help in a University Course., , , , , , and . Intelligent Tutoring Systems, volume 1452 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 494-503. Springer, (1998)Personalization of Persuasive Technology in Higher Education., , , , and . UMAP, page 336-340. ACM, (2019)Harnessing P2P Power in the Classroom.. Intelligent Tutoring Systems, volume 3220 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 305-314. Springer, (2004)BEN'FIT: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Culture-Tailored Fitness App., , , , , and . UMAP (Adjunct Publication), page 161-166. ACM, (2019)Drivers of Competitive Behavior in Persuasive Technology in Education., , , and . UMAP (Adjunct Publication), page 127-134. ACM, (2019)