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Improved scanning methods for wavelet coefficients of video signals.

, , und . Signal Process. Image Commun., 8 (4): 365-378 (1996)

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Evaluation and analysis of system latency of edge computing for multimedia data processing., , , und . GCCE, Seite 1-2. IEEE, (2016)QoS improvement of mobile 4K video by using radio quality map., , und . GCCE, Seite 541-542. IEEE, (2015)Comfort route navigation providing high communication Quality and Energy Saving for mobile devices., , , und . GCCE, Seite 547-548. IEEE, (2014)Transportation means identification of content delivery system for consumer electronic devices., , und . ICCE, Seite 118-119. IEEE, (2015)Overlay tree construction to distribute layered streaming by application layer multicast., , , , und . IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 56 (3): 1957-1962 (2010)A Function Clustering Algorithm for Resource Utilization in Service Function Chaining., , , und . CLOUD, Seite 193-195. IEEE, (2019)Feature Space Modification for Content-Based Music Retrieval Based on User Preferences., , , , und . ICASSP (5), Seite 517-520. IEEE, (2006)Usability Evaluation of Visualization Interfaces for Content-based Music Retrieval Systems., , , , und . ISMIR, Seite 207-212. International Society for Music Information Retrieval, (2009)Mathematical analysis of MPEG compression capability and its application to rate control., und . ICIP, Seite 555-558. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Novel algorithms for object extraction using multiple camera inputs., und . ICIP (2), Seite 863-866. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)