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Feature selection strategies for classifying high dimensional astronomical data sets., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). IEEE BigData, стр. 35-41. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Towards learned traversability for robot navigation: From underfoot to the far field., , , , , и . J. Field Robotics, 23 (11-12): 1005-1017 (2006)Software-Implemented Fault Detection for High-Performance Space Applications., , и . DSN, стр. 107-116. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Learning long-range terrain classification for autonomous navigation., , , , и . ICRA, стр. 4018-4024. IEEE, (2008)Representing Solar Active Regions with Triangulations., и . COMPSTAT, стр. 473-478. Springer, (1998)Automated Real-Time Classification and Decision Making in Massive Data Streams from Synoptic Sky Surveys., , , , , , и . eScience, стр. 204-211. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Real-Time Data Mining of Massive Data Streams from Synoptic Sky Surveys., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2016)Bayesian Inference for Identifying Solar Active Regions., , и . KDD, стр. 267-270. AAAI Press, (1997)Modeling groundwater levels in California's Central Valley by hierarchical Gaussian process and neural network regression., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2023)Tests and Tolerances for High-Performance Software-Implemented Fault Detection., , , и . IEEE Trans. Computers, 52 (5): 579-591 (2003)