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"What's the matter with Augmented Reality" - Obstacles to using AR and strategies to address them., , и . PACIS, (2024)Quantitative Verification of Social Media Networks: The Case Study of Twitter., и . BDCAT, стр. 53-62. ACM, (2017)Educating, Evaluating, Advising, and Entertaining - Digital Influencers and their Narratives., и . ECIS, (2023)Value co-creation in the digital factory - The empowered role of shop floor workers., , и . ACIS, стр. 59. (2017)Exploratory Research to Identify the Characteristics of Cyber Victims on Social Media in New Zealand., , и . EMCIS, том 341 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 193-210. Springer, (2018)User Attitudes and Support in Health Information Systems Implementation - the Case of the Danish Sundhedsplatformen., , , и . ECIS, стр. 105. (2018)Knowledge Management in the Dark: The Role of Shadow IT in Practices in Manufacturing., , , и . Int. J. Knowl. Manag., 15 (2): 1-19 (2019)How Social Media Can Afford Engagement Processes., , , и . EMCIS, том 341 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 272-279. Springer, (2018)Metaverse, ubi es? A transaction cost-based analysis of the state of the art of smart contracts in the Metaverse., , , и . HICSS, стр. 5038-5047. ScholarSpace, (2024)Agility practices for software development: an investigation of agile organization concepts., , и . ACIS, стр. 49. (2019)