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Other publications of authors with the same name

Crowd-sourcing: Strength in numbers.. Nature, 506 (7489): 422-423 (2014)Bright earth : the invention of colour. Viking, London, (2001)The dune chorus. Nature, 449 (7158): 10--11 (Sep 5, 2007)Computer science: Algorithmic rapture.. Nature, 488 (7412): 458 (2012)Leading mathematician launches arXiv 'overlay' journal.. Nature, 526 (7571): 146 (2015)In retrospect: On Growth and Form.. Nature, 494 (7435): 32-33 (2013)Openness makes software better sooner. Nature, (June 25, 2003)The physical modelling of society: a historical perspective. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 314 (1-4): 1--14 (Nov 1, 2002)Physics: Quantum all the way. Nature, 453 (7191): 22--25 (May 1, 2008)Leading mathematician launches arXiv 'overlay' journal. Nature News, 526 (7571): 146 (October 2015)