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Other publications of authors with the same name

A tool for generating synthetic authorship records for evaluating author name disambiguation methods., , , , and . Inf. Sci., (2012)A brief survey of automatic methods for author name disambiguation., , and . SIGMOD Rec., 41 (2): 15-26 (2012)Improving the Efficiency of a Genre-Aware Approach to Focused Crawling Based on Link Context., , and . LA-WEB, page 17-23. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)An Entity Resolution Approach Based on Word Embeddings and Knowledge Bases for Microblog Texts., and . SBSI, page 53:1-53:8. ACM, (2021)Combining domain-specific heuristics for author name disambiguation., , , and . JCDL, page 173-182. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Automatic Methods for Disambiguating Author Names in Bibliographic Data Repositories., , and . JCDL, page 297-298. ACM, (2015)Disambiguating Author Names using Minimum Bibliographic Information., , and . World Digit. Libr., 7 (1): 71-84 (2014)Cost-effective on-demand associative author name disambiguation., , , , and . Inf. Process. Manag., 48 (4): 680-697 (2012)Estimating Similarity Among Entities Aided by the Web when Only the Entity Name is Available., and . WebMedia, page 253-260. ACM, (2018)Uma Abordagem de Anotação Semântica Automática Direcionada a Sistemas de Perguntas e Respostas., , and . SBBD, page 145-156. SBC, (2021)