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Social Influence on Being a Pay User in Freemium-based Social Networks., , and . AINA, page 526-533. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Using Physical Context in a Mobile Social Networking Application for Improving Friend Recommendations., , , and . iThings/CPSCom, page 602-609. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Connecting people through physical resources in an office environment., , , , and . UbiComp, page 475-476. ACM, (2011)Design on Experimental Dataset and Task for Teaching in Data Science and Machine Learning., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). ICCSE (2), volume 2024 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 186-196. Springer, (2023)Equations of parametric surfaces with base points via syzygies., , and . J. Symb. Comput., 39 (1): 73-101 (2005)A Real-Time Face Recognition System by Efficient Hardware-Software Co-Design on FPGA SoCs., , and . AICAS, page 1-2. IEEE, (2021)CycleDCN: A Scalable Architecture for Optical Data Center Network., , and . GLOBECOM, page 2157-2162. IEEE, (2022)Poster: UAV-enabled Data Acquisition Scheme with Directional Wireless Energy Transfer., , , and . EWSN, page 220-221. ACM, (2019)Research on the Design of Intelligent Recycling System for Cosmetics Based on Extenics., , and . ITQM, volume 199 of Procedia Computer Science, page 937-945. Elsevier, (2021)Initialization Matters: Regularizing Manifold-informed Initialization for Neural Recommendation Systems., , , , and . KDD, page 2263-2273. ACM, (2021)