Author of the publication

On Local Transformations in Plane Geometric Graphs Embedded on Small Grids.

, , , , , , and . ICCSA (3), volume 3045 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 22-31. Springer, (2004)

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Competitive Online Routing in Geometric Graphs., and . SIROCCO, volume 8 of Proceedings in Informatics, page 35-44. Carleton Scientific, (2001)Constrained generalized Delaunay graphs are plane spanners., , and . Comput. Geom., (2018)Spanners of Complete k -Partite Geometric Graphs., , , , , and . LATIN, volume 4957 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 170-181. Springer, (2008)Online Routing in Triangulations., and . ISAAC, volume 1741 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 113-122. Springer, (1999)Should Static Search Trees Ever Be Unbalanced?, and . ISAAC (1), volume 6506 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 109-120. Springer, (2010)pi/2-Angle Yao Graphs Are Spanners., , , , , , and . ISAAC (2), volume 6507 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 446-457. Springer, (2010)Diamond Triangulations Contain Spanners of Bounded Degree., , and . ISAAC, volume 4288 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 173-182. Springer, (2006)Computing the k-Crossing Visibility Region of a Point in a Polygon., , , and . IWOCA, volume 11638 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 10-21. Springer, (2019)Separating layered treewidth and row treewidth., , , , and . Discret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., (2022)Intersections with random geometric objects., and . Comput. Geom., 10 (3): 139-154 (1998)