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Comprehensive shellcode detection using runtime heuristics., , and . ACSAC, page 287-296. ACM, (2010)MIDeA: a multi-parallel intrusion detection architecture., , and . CCS, page 297-308. ACM, (2011)Improving the Performance of Passive Network Monitoring Applications using Locality Buffering., , , and . MASCOTS, page 151-157. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Master of Web Puppets: Abusing Web Browsers for Persistent and Stealthy Computation., , , , , and . NDSS, The Internet Society, (2019)Confine: Automated System Call Policy Generation for Container Attack Surface Reduction., , , and . RAID, page 443-458. USENIX Association, (2020)xMP: Selective Memory Protection for Kernel and User Space., , , , and . SP, page 563-577. IEEE, (2020)ret2dir: Rethinking Kernel Isolation., , and . USENIX Security Symposium, page 957-972. USENIX Association, (2014)Defending Against Web Application Attacks: Approaches, Challenges and Implications., , , and . IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 16 (2): 188-203 (2019)Using Diversity to Harden Multithreaded Programs Against Exploitation., , and . BigDataSecurity/HPSC/IDS, page 208-213. IEEE, (2016)Network-Level Polymorphic Shellcode Detection Using Emulation., , and . DIMVA, volume 4064 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 54-73. Springer, (2006)