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Kinds of Minds: The Origins of Consciousness. Phoenix, London, (1997)Recent work in philosophy of interest to AI. Artificial Intelligence, 19 (1): 3--5 (1982)Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Evolution and the Meaning of Life. Simon and Schuster, New York, (1995)Real patterns. (1989)Instead of a review. Artificial Intelligence, 171 (18): 1110--1113 (2007)Special Review Issue.Freedom evolves. Penguin, London, (2004)Are we explaining consciousness yet?. Cognition, 79 (1-2): 221--237 (2001)Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Touchstone, (1995)Darwin was right, , , и . The New Scientist, 201 (2696): 24--24 (2009)Sweet dreams : philosophical obstacles to a science of consciousness. MIT Press, Cambridge Mass., (2005)