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Facial Expression Recognition Adaptive to Face Pose Using RGB-D Camera., , и . IEA/AIE, том 9799 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 422-427. Springer, (2016)Wide-area recognition using hybrid motion stereo outlier rejection for motion stereo: outlier rejection for motion stereo using sequential data., , , и . IROS, стр. 647-652. IEEE, (2005)Developmental Human-Robot Imitation Learning of Drawing with a Neuro Dynamical System., , , и . SMC, стр. 2336-2341. IEEE, (2013)Constructing a Fundamental Developmental Drawing Learning Model Using an Arm Robot., , , и . CCIS, стр. 185-189. IEEE, (2019)Object detection based on SSD-ResNet., , , и . CCIS, стр. 89-92. IEEE, (2019)Generation of Musical Scores from Chord Sequences Using Neurodynamic Model., , , , и . IEA/AIE, том 12144 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 638-648. Springer, (2020)Emotion recognition for Twitter language based on lingual and expressional information., , , и . CCIS, стр. 730-734. IEEE, (2018)Improving LEO Robot Conversational Ability via Deep Learning Algorithms for Children with Autism., , , и . CCIS, стр. 416-420. IEEE, (2018)Object dynamics prediction and motion generation based on reliable predictability., , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 1608-1614. IEEE, (2008)Predicting Object Dynamics from Visual Images through Active Sensing Experiences., , , , и . ICRA, стр. 2501-2506. IEEE, (2007)