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Implementing Security Policies using the Safe Areas of Computation Approach.

, and . ACSAC, page 90-99. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)

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A User-Friendly Approach to Human Authentication of Messages., and . Financial Cryptography, volume 3570 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 225-239. Springer, (2005)Safe Areas of Computation for Secure Computing with Insecure Applications., and . ACSAC, page 35-44. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)SACM: Stateful Access Control Model., , , , and . LCN, page 159-162. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)MBEEC: A bio-inspired routing protocol with multihop between cluster-heads for energy saving in WSN., , , , , and . IWCMC, page 349-354. IEEE, (2015)SACM: Stateful Access Control Model a More Detailed Approach., , , , , and . CSE, page 317-324. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)BEE-C: A bio-inspired energy efficient cluster-based algorithm for data continuous dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks., , , , , and . ICON, page 405-410. IEEE, (2012)Grammar based off line generation of disposable credit card numbers., and . SAC, page 221-228. ACM, (2002)Implementation of fast RSA key generation on smart cards., , and . SAC, page 214-220. ACM, (2002)Web Browsers and Security., , and . Mobile Agents and Security, volume 1419 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 235-256. Springer, (1998)Context Free Grammar for the Generation of One Time Authentication Identity., and . FLAIRS, page 544-549. AAAI Press, (2004)