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Coverage Quality Analysis for 3D Wireless Sensor Network., , и . BDAW, стр. 24:1-24:6. ACM, (2016)A New Improved GPSR (GPSR-kP) Routing Protocol for Multimedia Communication over Vehicular Ad hoc Network., , , и . BDAW, стр. 14:1-14:7. ACM, (2016)A Model Proposal for Enhancing Leaf Disease Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): Case Study., , , и . Int. J. Online Biomed. Eng., 19 (12): 127-143 (2023)Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network: Evaluation of QoS and QoE for Multimedia Application., , , , и . NETYS, том 9944 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 367-371. Springer, (2016)Novel Optimized Strategy Based on Multi-Next-Hops Election to Reduce Video Transmission Delay for GPSR Protocol over VANETs., , , , , и . Comput., 12 (10): 205 (сентября 2023)Trade-off between accuracy, cost, and QoS using a beacon-on-demand strategy and Kalman filtering over a VANET., , , , и . Digit. Commun. Networks, 4 (1): 13-26 (2018)An improved GPSR protocol to enhance the video quality transmission over vehicular ad hoc networks., , , и . WINCOM, стр. 146-153. IEEE, (2016)Improvement of GPSR protocol by using future position estimation of participating nodes in vehicular ad-hoc Networks., , , и . WINCOM, стр. 87-94. IEEE, (2016)A fuzzy geographical routing approach to support real-time multimedia transmission for vehicular ad hoc networks., , , и . Wirel. Networks, 25 (3): 1289-1311 (2019)