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Nonlinear extension of multiobjective multiclass support vector machine based on the one-against-all method., , and . IJCNN, page 1570-1576. IEEE, (2011)Fuzzy modelling by genetic algorithm with tree-structured individuals., , and . Int. J. Systems Science, 27 (2): 261-268 (1996)Boolean kernels and clustering with pairwise constraints., and . GrC, page 141-146. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Improved Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization with a Perturbation-Based Chaotic System for a Virtual Quartic Function., , , and . SMC, page 208-213. IEEE, (2013)Weight Tuning and Pattern Classification by Self Organizing Map Using Genetic Algorithm., , and . International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, page 602-605. IEEE, (1996)Restarting Multi-type Particle Swarm Optimization Using an Adaptive Selection of Particle Type., , and . SMC, page 923-928. IEEE, (2009)A generalized model for data envelopment analysis., , and . Eur. J. Oper. Res., 157 (1): 87-105 (2004)New Fuzzy Rough Sets Based on Certainty Qualification., and . Rough-Neural Computing: Techniques for Computing with Words, Springer, (2004)On Rough Sets under Generalized Equivalence Relations., and . JSAI Workshops, volume 2253 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 295-300. Springer, (2001)Multiobjective Multiclass Soft-Margin Support Vector Machine Maximizing Pair-Wise Interclass Margins., , , and . ICONIP (1), volume 5506 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 970-977. Springer, (2008)