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Other publications of authors with the same name

Exploring Diminished Reality (DR) Spaces to Augment the Attention of Individuals with Autism., , , and . ISMAR Workshops, page 68-73. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)SubRosa: Supporting a Proper Learning Atmosphere through Subtle Cues with Immediate Feedback., , , and . PERSUASIVE, volume 8462 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 279-290. Springer, (2014)ChromaGlove: a wearable haptic feedback device for colour recognition., , , , , and . AH, page 219-220. ACM, (2015)Virtuality or Physicality? Supporting Memorization Through Augmented Reality Gamification., , , and . EICS (Companion), page 53-58. ACM, (2023)SEMarbeta: mobile sketch-gesture-video remote support for car drivers., , , , , , and . AH, page 69-76. ACM, (2013)Evaluating navigation methods for an AR system.. Designing Augmented Reality Environments, page 157-158. ACM, (2000)360TourGuiding: Towards Virtual Reality Training for Tour Guiding., , , , , , and . MobileHCI (Adjunct), page 15:1-15:6. ACM, (2022)Towards Guidelines for Touch Screen Design: Perception of Button Form and Extension., , , and . INTERACT, IOS Press, (2003)Usability and collaborative aspects of augmented reality.. Interactions, 11 (6): 11-15 (2004)2D/3D Web Transitions: Methods and Techniques., , and . WEBIST, page 294-298. INSTICC Press, (2009)