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JTransform - A Java Source Code Transformation Framework.. Technical Report, 303. Department of Computer Science, (декабря 2002)UMLscript Sprachspezifikation., и . Technical Report, 272. Department of Computer Science, (февраля 2001)Comprehensive Graphical Description of the STL., , и . Technical Report, 270. Department of Computer Science, (февраля 2001)9th Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) Hildesheim, November 08-09, 2018., , , , , и . Softwaretechnik-Trends, 39 (3): 19-21 (2019)SugiBib.. GD, том 2265 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 467-468. Springer, (2001)Variability Modeling and Implementation with EASy-Producer., и . SPLC (A), стр. 222. ACM, (2024)Industry 4.0 Connectors - A Performance Experiment with Modbus/TCP., и . CoRR, (2024)Software konfigurieren statt programmieren mit EASy-Producer, и . Eclipse Magazin, (2015)Demonstration of Advanced Layout of UML Class Diagrams by SugiBib., и . VISSOFT, стр. 58-59. (2003)UML Class Diagrams - State of the Art in Layout Techniques., и . VISSOFT, стр. 30-34. (2003)