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Spatial cooperativity in soft glassy flows., , , , and . Nature, 454 (7200): 84--87 (July 2008)Structure of foam films containing additionally polyelectrolytes, , , and . (1998)Comparison of different polymer-like structures in the confined geometry of foam films, , , and . Colloids and Surfaces A, (2001)Forces in foam films containing polyelectrolyte and surfactant, , , , , and . Colloids and Surfaces A, (1999)Structural forces in thin films made from, polyelectrolyte solutions, , , and . Phys. Rev. Lett., 78 (26): 4974 (June 1997)How does a concentrated emulsion flow?Yielding, local rheology, and wall slip, , , and . Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 263 (1-3): 146--152 (August 2005)Assessment of crustal velocity models using seismic refraction and reflection tomography, , , and . Geophysical Journal International, 153 (3): 609--626 (March 2003)FAST -- Program package for First Arrival Seismic Tomography. Rice University, Houston, USA, (1998)Market Reforms Versus Structural Reforms in Rural China, and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 29 (3): 527--541 (September 2001)Agricultural Efficiency Gains in Centrally Planned Economies, and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 18 (3): 314--328 (June 1994)