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Computationally efficient sequential learning algorithms for direct link resource-allocating networks., , и . Neurocomputing, 69 (1-3): 142-157 (2005)Fast and efficient sequential learning algorithms using direct-link RBF networks., , и . NNSP, стр. 209-218. IEEE, (2003)An Overview of Wireless Networks in Control and Monitoring., , и . ICIC (2), том 4114 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1061-1072. Springer, (2006)A complete formulation of non-linear model-based stable predictive control strategy., , , и . ECC, стр. 3458-3463. IEEE, (2001)Automated Object Identification and Position Estimation for Airport Lighting Quality Assessment., , , и . VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers), том 24 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 262-275. Springer, (2008)Optimal placement and grasping of two robot arms holding a common object based on workspace usage., , и . SMC, стр. 3353-3358. IEEE, (1998)A case study in on-line intelligent sensing., , и . ACC, стр. 3949-3953. IEEE, (2000)Improved diagnosis of sensor faults using multivariate statistics., , и . ACC, стр. 4403-4407. IEEE, (2004)A Variable Memory Quasi-Newton Training Algorithm., и . Neural Processing Letters, 9 (1): 77-89 (1999)Robust fuzzy Gustafson-Kessel clustering for nonlinear system identification., и . Int. J. Systems Science, 34 (14-15): 787-803 (2003)