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Reducing application code complexity with vocabulary-specific XML language bindings.

, , , and . ACM Southeast Regional Conference (2), page 281-287. ACM, (2005)1-59593-059-0.

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Optimizing Mobile Application Performance with Model-Driven Engineering., , , and . SEUS, volume 5860 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 36-46. Springer, (2009)Keynote #1: Architecting the Systems of the Future: A Research Agenda.. SMARTCOMP, page 23-24. IEEE, (2021)A Component Assignment Framework for Improved Capacity and Assured Performance in Web Portals., , , , and . OTM Conferences (1), volume 5870 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 671-689. Springer, (2009)Optimizing Integrated Application Performance with Cache-Aware Metascheduling., , , , , and . OTM Conferences (2), volume 7045 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 432-450. Springer, (2011)Workshop 9 Summary., , and . MoDELS (Satellite Events), volume 3844 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 237-246. Springer, (2005)Ultra-large-scale systems., , , and . OOPSLA Companion, page 632-634. ACM, (2006)Helping Children Eat Well via Mobile Software Technologies., , , , , and . MobileDeLi, page 9-16. ACM, (2014)Protecting Applications Against Malice Using AdaptiveMiddleware., , , , and . Certification and Security in E-Services, volume 255 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 73-108. Kluwer, (2002)Discussions of a Preliminary Hand Hygiene Compliance Monitoring Application-as-a-service., , , , and . HEALTHINF, page 537-544. SciTePress, (2017)ADAPTIVE - An Object-Oriented Framework for Flexible and Adaptive Communication Protocols., , and . HPN, volume C-14 of IFIP Transactions, page 367-382. North-Holland, (1992)