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Video Summarization based on Film Grammar., и . MMSP, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2005)Interactive Photographic Shooting Assistance Based on Composition and Saliency., , и . ICCSA (5), том 7975 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 348-363. Springer, (2013)Schema Management in an Object-Oriented Database System., , и . VDB, том A-7 из IFIP Transactions, стр. 425-439. North-Holland, (1991)A PHR Front-End System with the Facility of Data Migration from Printed Forms., , и . KICSS, том 416 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 177-191. Springer, (2014)Detecting auditory information in concentration based on eye movement., и . ICME, стр. 537-540. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Deformable Part Models for Face Detection., , , и . PSIVT, том 9431 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 669-681. Springer, (2015)Structured LSTM for human-object interaction detection and anticipation., и . AVSS, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Guest Editors' Introduction., и . International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 21 (1): 1-2 (2011)Retrieving the movement of multiple objects based on spatiotemporal abstraction., и . MMSP, стр. 442-445. IEEE, (2004)Segmentation-Driven RetinaNet for Protozoa Detection., , и . ISM, стр. 279-286. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)