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On the complexity of scheduling in wireless networks., , and . MobiCom, page 227-238. ACM, (2006)Scaling laws for capacity and delay in wireless ad hoc networks with random mobility., and . ICC, page 3869-3873. IEEE, (2004)Fluctuations Around the Mean-Field for a Large Scale Erlang Loss System Under the SQ(d) Load Balancing., and . ITC, page 1-9. IEEE, (2019)On the asymptotic behavior of the spectral density of autoregressive estimates., , and . Allerton, page 292-298. IEEE, (2011)Mean-Field Analysis of Loss Models with Mixed-Erlang Distributions under Power-of-d Routing., , and . ITC, page 250-258. IEEE, (2017)Processor sharing and pricing implications., , and . ITC, page 1-8. IEEE, (2012)Rate-based randomized routing in large heterogeneous processor sharing systems., and . ITC, page 1-9. IEEE, (2014)Majority Rule Based Opinion Dynamics with Biased and Stubborn Agents., , and . SIGMETRICS, page 385-386. ACM, (2016)Randomized routing schemes for large processor sharing systems with multiple service rates., and . SIGMETRICS, page 555-556. ACM, (2014)Real-time Bidding for Time Constrained Impression Contracts in First and Second Price Auctions - Theory and Algorithms., , and . SIGMETRICS (Abstracts), page 93-94. ACM, (2022)