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Improving performance of similarity measures for uncertain time series using preprocessing techniques., and . SSDBM, page 31:1-31:12. ACM, (2015)Fast Structured Motif Search in DNA Sequences., and . BIRD, volume 13 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 58-73. Springer, (2008)CLUC: a natural clustering algorithm for categorical datasets based on cohesion., and . SAC, page 637-638. ACM, (2006)Characterization and Efficient Management of Big Data in IoT-Driven Smart City Development., , , and . Sensors, 19 (11): 2430 (2019)A Framework for Information Integration with Uncertainty., and . ISSADS, volume 3563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 194-206. Springer, (2005)Lineage Tracing in Mediator-Based Information Integration Systems., and . ISSADS, volume 3563 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 267-282. Springer, (2005)Query Processing and Optimization for Logic Programs with Certainty Constraints., and . FLAIRS, AAAI Press, (2009)Using Patterns for Faster and Scalable Rewriting of Conjunctive Queries., and . AMW, volume 450 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2009)Fast correlation analysis on time series datasets., and . CIKM, page 787-796. ACM, (2008)Uncertainty as a Function of Expertise., and . SOFTEKS Workshop on Incompleteness and Uncertainty in Information Systems, page 153-166. Springer, (1993)