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Satellite vibration control using frequency selective feedback., , , , und . CDC, Seite 1693-1698. IEEE, (2003)Scaling of LQ Performance in Approximate Adaptive Designs, , und . Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2000), (2000)An Asymptotic Scaling Analysis of LQ performance for an Approximate Adaptive Control Design, , und . Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, (2000)Agenda setting, und . Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, (1996)Performance of Nonlinear Approximate Adaptive Controllers, , und . Wiley, (2003)LQ performance Bounds for Adaptive Output Feedback Controllers for Functionally Uncertain Systems, , und . Automatica, (2000)Uncertainty, Performance and Model Dependency in Approximate Adaptive Nonlinear Control, , und . CDC, 3, Seite 3046 - 3051. San Diego, California, (1997)VIA-RAD: a blackboard-based system for diagnostic radiology. Visual Interaction Assistant for Radiology.. Artif. Intell. Medicine, 7 (4): 343-360 (1995)Uncertainty and Performance of Adaptive Controllers for Functionally Uncertain Output Feedback Systems, , und . CDC, Seite 4515--4520. Tampa, Florida, IEEE, (Dezember 1998)Uncertainty, Performance, and Model Dependency in Approximate Adaptive Nonlinear Control, , und . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 45 (2): 353--358 (2000)