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Bipolar optical neural networks using ferroelectric liquid crystal devices., , , and . Neural Networks, 5 (1): 169-177 (1992)Godzilla Minus One., , , , and . SIGGRAPH Asia Computer Animation Festival, page 15:1. ACM, (2024)Ergonomic evaluation of portable videogame software., , , , , , , and . DiGRA Conference, Digital Games Research Association, (2007)Extracting Acoustic Features of Japanese Speech to Classify Emotions., and . FedCSIS (Communication Papers), volume 13 of Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, page 141-145. (2017)Constructing a Virtual Laboratory on the Internet: The ITBL Portal., , , and . ISHPC, volume 2858 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 288-297. Springer, (2003)HumanWalking Motion Synthesis Based on Multiple Regression Hidden Semi-Markov Model., , , and . CW, page 445-452. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)A Compression Method for Storage Formats of a Sparse Matrix in Solving the Large-Scale Linear Systems., , , , , and . IPDPS Workshops, page 924-931. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)