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On Factoring Jevons' Number.. Cryptologia, 20 (3): 243-246 (1996)Hyper-Cyclotomic Algebra., и . SETA, стр. 154-165. Springer, (2001)Shift Register Sequences - A Retrospective Account.. SETA, том 4086 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-4. Springer, (2006)Cryptographic Reflections on the Genetic Code.. Cryptologia, 4 (1): 15-19 (1980)On Ideal Autocorrelation Sequences Arising from Hyperovals., , , и . SETA, стр. 17-38. Springer, (1998)Actions of the Unitary Group on Irreducible/Primitive Polynomials and Their Applications to Randomness of Sequences., и . ITW, стр. 5-. IEEE, (2007)A Note on Low-Correlation Zone Signal Sets., , и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 53 (7): 2575-2581 (2007)On the survival of sequence information in filters (Corresp.).. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 18 (2): 310-312 (1972)Transform domain analysis of DES., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 45 (6): 2065-2073 (1999)A new construction of 64-QAM golay complementary sequences., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 52 (4): 1663-1670 (2006)