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Design and analysis of a network control structure with a switched PD compensator., , и . MMAR, стр. 403-408. IEEE, (2012)Time delay and information loss compensation in a network control system for a DC motor., , , и . SACI, стр. 131-135. IEEE, (2011)Networked control of a Parrot Mambo drone., , , и . ISIE, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2024)Stability analysis and control synthesis for a network control system using a nonlinear network transmission model - A switched system approach., , и . CCA, стр. 885-890. IEEE, (2012)Issues of Identifying, Estimating and Using Delay Times in Telecontrol Systems Based on TCP/IP Networks., , , и . TA, стр. 143-148. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2010)IGSS Higher-Level SCADA Optimal Resource Allocation to Integrate Water and Waste Water Pumping Stations., , , и . CSCS, стр. 93-98. IEEE, (2017)Learning control for transmission and navigation with a mobile robot under unknown communication rates., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2020)A network control structure with a switched PD delay compensator and a nonlinear network model., , и . ACC, стр. 758-764. IEEE, (2013)Observer-based delay compensation for networked control systems - Analysis and synthesis., , и . ICAC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Developing Interns into Full-Fledged Software Engineers., , и . SANER (Companion), стр. 84-92. IEEE, (2024)