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Residual based tests for cointegration : A Monte Carlo study of size distortions. Economics Letters, 41 (4): 345--351 (1993)Tests for cointegration a Monte Carlo comparison. Journal of Econometrics, 71 (1-2): 89--115 (00 1996)Monetary policy transmission mechanisms and currency unions: A vector error correction approach to a Trans-Tasman currency union, , и . Journal of Policy Modeling, 27 (1): 55--74 (февраля 2005)European Monetary Union: a cointegration analysis, , и . Journal of International Money and Finance, 19 (3): 419--432 (июня 2000)Tariffs and quotas under dynamic duopolistic competition, и . Journal of International Economics, 29 (1-2): 147--159 (августа 1990)