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We Mind Your Well-Being: Preventing Depression in Uncertain Social Networks by Sequential Interventions., , , и . ICAPS, стр. 499-507. AAAI Press, (2020)Real-time adaptive classification system for intelligent sensing in manufacturing environment A feasibility study., , , и . GrC, стр. 761-766. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Image Saliency Detection via Multi-Feature and Manifold-Space Ranking., , и . APIT, стр. 76-81. ACM, (2021)Curriculum-Oriented Multi-goal Agent for Adaptive Learning., , , , , и . APWeb/WAIM Workshops, том 1373 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 104-115. Springer, (2020)Building Damage Detection for Extreme Earthquake Disaster Area Location from Post-Event Uav Images Using Improved SSD., , , , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 2674-2677. IEEE, (2022)Estimating Nitrogen Status of Plant by Vis/NIR Spectroscopy and Mathematical Model., , , , и . ICNC (3), стр. 612-616. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Cost-sensitive classification with genetic programming., , и . Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 2114-2121. IEEE, (2005)Research on the Evolution of Logistics Identification Marking Technology Based on Mallet-LDA Model and Social Network., и . WHICEB, стр. 62. Association for Information Systems, (2022)Determine the Camera Eigenmatrix from Large Parallax Images., , , , и . CGI (3), том 14497 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 487-497. Springer, (2023)Source-Free Domain Adaptation with Temporal Imputation for Time Series Data., , , , , и . KDD, стр. 1989-1998. ACM, (2023)